Advocis Toronto Legal Series
The Advocis Toronto Legal Series is designed to help you better protect your clients and your practice.
In the first of our series for 2017, we will be joined by Kathryn “Kit” Bennett, LL.B., TEP, Senior Regional Sales Director at Desjardins Wealth Management and Jill McCutcheon, Partner, Borden Ladner Gervais, LLP.
In her presentation, Making Beneficiary Designations that Work: Issues that Keep me up at Night, Kit will walk us though the essential areas of beneficiary designations. Our clients make beneficiary designations for their life insurance policies, insurance-based retirement accounts, and segregated funds on a regular basis. Every method of making a beneficiary designation has its own set of protocols. Some are found in the governing statute while others are derived from case law or based on the insurer’s administrative practices. So advisors and their clients end up navigating through uncertain waters, which can result in the client’s planning goals being frustrated or in litigation – the outcome of which is never certain. Kit will review the grey areas in the legislative regimes, look at some troubling trends in court decisions, and take an interactive walk-through some key “trouble spots” that can derail our clients’ beneficiary designation plans. Hopefully we will all be able to sleep better at night when we are finished!
Jill will deliver the presentation, Regulatory Disruption and What it Means for Advisors and MGAs. Find out about regulatory developments in Ontario and other jurisdictions, including a discussion of the implications of the New Financial Services Regulator Authority in Ontario. The bar is being raised, why and what it all means. Gain insight as to when and how to engage with the regulator.
Up until February 28th, EARLY-BIRD pricing is:
Members: $40
Non-Members: $55
Tables of 6: $230
After March 1st, pricing for this event is:
Members: $50
Non-Members: $70
Tables of 6: $270
NOTE: We are seeking your questions in advance of this event in order to cater to what you want to know.
Please submit your questions to us for the event by email at, no later than February 24th. We would ask that these questions not be client specific. Be aware that depending on the level of response, all questions may not be answered at the event.